Monday, March 2, 2009

yes! to technology

yes!!! i do believe technology holds the answers for the future regarding our environmental situation, and in the end, does have the possibility of ¨saving us,¨ as much as i hate to hear that! when thinking of technology in regards to the environment, it is easy to see the down sides as well as the positive effects. for one, technology has been the root of all waste, one could argue. with wealthier nations having access to unlimited amounts of technology, there does come the inevitable problem of waste. as we saw in the video about ¨stuff,¨ with new forms of technology comes the throwing out of old forms. all this is very bad for the planet in deed. but just think of all the positive uses technology has created too! for example, recycling. now we can recycle our ink cartridges, as well as paper, plastic, glass, etc. old cars and out of date computers can also be re-used. technology has also created THIS--the form of communication we use everyday. how else would we know about climate change and global warming without technology? as the planet earth video pointed out, technology can be used to save DNA of particular species (although we don´t fully agree with this theory at times). because of technology, scientists and environmentalists are able to study the various trends of climate change, as well as how various species react to these changes. technology has also led to the creation of hybrid cars, solar panels, green energy, and more. it is because of technology that we will be able to trigger the negative effects of global warming before there is no option. i believe that with the right objectives, as well as the right policy makers and leaders in power, technology will be used a positive tool to help with the environmental crisis. 

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