Sunday, March 22, 2009


I realized recently that probably one of my worst areas of environmental impact is my eating habits. This is also one of the hardest for me to grapple with, as I am a true blue food lover. While I understand one can be a food lover and be conscious of your environmental impact, this is something I had never really considered before. I am also one of those people who is not too fond of vegetables, making me a major consumer of meat products and processed foods, and therefore a contributor of environmental impact. Not only that, but I am often a consumer of delivery food, even worse in impact. Part of the problem is my pickiness with vegetables, and TDR often fails to provide options that agree with my tastes. Since I am moving off campus however, I can hope that purchasing my own groceries will not only make me more conscious of what I eat, but allow me to pick eco-friendly foods that also agree with my tastes.

If I look back at my recent food consumption, I can easily decide which item is the worst. In a very comfort food mood, I caved and ate a Chiburken at McDonalds. This is where you buy a McDouble and a McChicken, and put the chicken patty between the burger patties. I almost feel shameful in retrospect, not only because of how disgusting that must sound, but the sheer amount of meat in it. It probably contains more meat than the average person is supposed to have in a week. This is representative of my problem too, in that I am a food-loving, meat-loving, American, with a typical American diet, which in this a very high impact one. It is also clear to me that this is one area I can seriously make a difference in impact, as it is simply a matter of choice, and maybe manning up and eating my veggies. I will have to focus on greening up my diet, pun intended.

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