Monday, March 2, 2009


Perhaps I am just naive to the whole environmental school of thought, but I definitely think that improved technology suggests an improvement to the environment. Of course, I don't know all of the facts about this idea yet, and this is why I'm taking the course, but as an outsider on the subject matter, there are definitely outward signs that help in arguing this point. For one thing, we've been able to develop one of the most integral components to the pro-environmentalism movement, recycling. Although it has existed for some time now, recycling has not only helped to dispose of less waste but has also acted as a PR tactic to enforce care of the environment, through its very symbolism alone. Technology has also allowed us to develop new forms of transportation that are less wearing on the planet. Over the past hundred years, cleaner gas emissions, public transportation, and now, Hybrid vehicles and Smart Cars also encourage ways of getting around without being as harmful to the planet. While some argue that cars in general are extremely toxic to the environment, with the emissions they produce and their bodies themselves as being wasteful, technology has helped to work with the times in upgrading environmental efficiency that most compliment our needs. Furthermore, technology has been a key tool in creating products that are biodegradable and environmentally friendly, like laundry detergents, shampoos, and other chemically-based products that act as waste and disturb the environment and its wildlife. Yes, we have become more needy and with that, have developed more materials and "stuff" that could be potentially detrimental to the environment we live in. However, technology has also led us to find ways to stop the harm. I guess technology is a two-fold argument. It has developed the weapons that have harmed the environment, but has also assisted in developing solutions that could help to save our messy situation. 

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